Tuesday, June 12, 2007


currently in edinburgh.. it's lovely.. there are seagulls all over the city. climbed a mountain yesterday.. met great people at the hostel. i hope i can find a place as nice as this in dublin. they have a system where long term residents of the hostel can earn a free night's accommodation by cleaning for two hours in the morning. which is a pretty good deal. so something like that in dublin would be ideal.

went to 'treefest' a couple of days ago. it was great.. just my kind of festival. all about environmental this and that. you know.. hippies and whatnot getting together for a good old fashioned bongo/african drum jam session.

i've been invited to travel with a really interesting person around south africa for a month early next year, and stay with their family there etc. so that might be fun if i can afford it at the time.

heading to london tonight, then on to prague on saturday.

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