Wednesday, November 14, 2007

a few changes

so.... bec and toast have finally left me... turns out i lived with toast for 3 months all up.. spent most of our waking hours together.. she's left a hole in my life that will never be filled... sob... but really, i miss them both. shaved all bec's hair off before she left, so every time she looks at her bald head she can think of me.

found a job in galway.. just working in retail.

also found a house.. i'm now living in an attic, which is pretty deadly. got ocean views from one of my windows (so i've been called out on the 'ocean views' thing.. matt pointed out (fairly) that the view is actually of a road and part of a dock. touché -ed.). rooftop views from the other window...... but it's pretty exciting to have a real home again.. sharing the flat with five other friends; an australian, three canadians and an american, but he's leaving in a couple of months. in my mind the house is called 'the new commonwealth'. it's great to live overseas and have a genuine experience.. you know.. get to know the locals and all that.

will post photos of new place soon.

1 comment:

matthew d kyhnn said...

You do live in a proper attic.


the guy on the couch