Saturday, November 3, 2007


love holds no bounds.. but kentucky does
-jarrod on josh's relationship with australian girl

cheese-eating surrender monkeys
-danny on the french (a provoked attack.. he was woken early in a hostel room by several french people chatting loudly and obnoxiously about unimportant nothings)

-accidental contraction of oblivious & belligerent by tyson on the berlin pub crawl

look! it's the mr. gay uk convention!
-louie louie to a group of AIB suits that never stop for fundraisers

don't worry, it won't take long.. like most men i finish in under a minute
-darlin' trying to convince people to listen to his charity dialogue

c'm'ere and i'll be lovely t'ye
-another stop

RARRR! i'm a charity monster!! ... no.. not really, i'm actually really lovely
-bec's stop

a churgling of fundraisers

collective noun for a group of fundraisers.. not in common usage

festively plump
bec, apparently

are there five people in this car?/ there must be.. pretty close to it anyway... i've got an idea.. let's all just jump in the car and see what happens
conversation between louie and myself

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